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Compact Disc Vinyls
M.O.D. - Devolution
M.O.D. [Thrash Metal]  [Thrashcore/Crossover]  
Devolution    (1994) [CD]  
4th album from '94 by this mythical Crossover/ Thrash band led by ex-S.O.D. vocalist Billy Milano.
Price:   11.95 €
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M.O.D. - Rhythm of Fear
M.O.D. [Thrash Metal]  [Thrashcore/Crossover]  
Rhythm of Fear    (1992) [CD]  
3rd album from '92 by this mythical Crossover/ Thrash band led by ex-S.O.D. vocalist Billy Milano.
Price:   11.95 €
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M.O.D. - U.S.A. for M.O.D.
M.O.D. [Thrashcore/Crossover]  
U.S.A. for M.O.D.    (1987) [CD]  
Classic 1st album from '87 by this mythical Crossover/ Thrash band led by ex-S.O.D. vocalist Billy Milano.
Price:   11.95 €
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MACE - The Evil in Good
MACE [Thrash Metal]  [Thrashcore/Crossover]  
The Evil in Good    (1987) [CD]  
2nd album from '87 by this legendary (and underrated) US Thrash Metal band with a Crossover touch.
-10% Price:   11.95 €
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MACHINE HEAD - Burn my Eyes
MACHINE HEAD [Thrash Metal]  
Burn my Eyes    (1994) [CD]  
1st album from '94, the best one for many, by this band led by Rob Flynn ex-VIO-LENCE where they played a blend of influences in the vein of SEPULTURA, SLAYER, PANTERA...
-10% Price:   11.95 €
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MACHINE HEAD - The Blackening
MACHINE HEAD [Thrash Metal]  
The Blackening    (2007) [CD]  
6th album from '07 by this US Groove Metal band
-10% Price:   11.95 €
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MACHINERGY - Sounds Evolution
MACHINERGY [Thrash Metal]  
Sounds Evolution    (2014) [CD]  
2nd album from '14 by this portuguese band that plays an intense and powerful Thrash Metal in the vein of the best times of SEPULTURA.
Price:   8.95 €
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MADBALL -  Demonstrating My Style
MADBALL [Hardcore]  
Demonstrating My Style     (1996) [CD]  
2nd album from '96 by this legendary US Hardcore band in the vein of bands like AGNOSTIC FRONT, SICK OF IT ALL, CRO-MAGS and the likes...
Price:   11.95 €
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MADBALL - For the Cause
MADBALL [Hardcore]  
For the Cause    (2018) [CD]  
9th album from '18 by this legendary US Hardcore band in the vein of bands like AGNOSTIC FRONT, SICK OF IT ALL, CRO-MAGS and the likes...
-10% Price:   11.95 €
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MADKILL - Intense Violence
MADKILL [Thrash Metal]  
Intense Violence    (2019) [CD]  
1st album from '19 by this brazilian band of intense Thrash Metal. Includes their mini CD "Mass Destruction" ('14) plus two live tracks as bonus.
Price:   8.95 €
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MAGNUS - Death Revolution
MAGNUS [Death Metal]  [Death/Thrash]  
Death Revolution    (2021) [CD]  
5th album from '21 by this awesome polish band!! Return to the furious and motherfucking Death/ Thrash from their perfect 2nd album "I Was Watching my Death" from '92. Not many bands can capture such an intense sound and at the same time personal. Imagine some early VADER with a Thrash touch in the vein of INFERNAL MAJESTY, PROTECTOR, SLAYER...
Price:   8.95 €
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MALICIOUS DEATH [Death/Thrash]  
...From Above    (2010) [12" LP]  
3rd album from '10 by this Finnish band of intense Thrash Metal with influences from bands like DESTRUCTION, TANKARD, KREATOR, SLAYER...
Price:   12.95 €
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MANIAC - Look Out
MANIAC [Thrash Metal]  
Look Out    (1989) [CD]  
2nd album from '90 by this Austrian band that played Speed ​​Metal for lovers of bands like S.D.I., LIVING DEATH, VAMPYR, IRON ANGEL...
-50% Price:   11.95 €
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MANIFESTIC - Anonymous Souls
MANIFESTIC [Thrash Metal]  
Anonymous Souls    (2019) [CD]  
1st album from '19 by this german Thrash Metal band with a technical edge and influences from bands like HAVOK, VEKTOR, SACRAL RAGE, VEXOVOID...
Price:   8.95 €
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MANTIC RITUAL - Executioner
MANTIC RITUAL [Thrash Metal]  
Executioner    (2009) [CD]  
1st album from '09 by this US band of pure Thrash Metal in the vein of bands like early DEATH ANGEL, SACRIFICE, EXODUS, METALLICA, SLAYER, WHIPLASH... [Digipack]
Price:   9.95 €
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MANTIC RITUAL - Heart Set Stone
MANTIC RITUAL [Thrash Metal]  
Heart Set Stone    (2022) [MCD]  
EP with 6 songs from '22 that includes 3 new songs and three covers of G.B.H., MERCYFUL FATE and RAZOR, by this US band of pure Thrash Metal in the line of groups like the early DEATH ANGEL, SACRIFICE, EXODUS, METALLICA, SLAYER, WHIPLASH...
Price:   8.95 €
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MARADANDÓ KÁROSODÁS [Thrash Metal]  [Thrashcore/Crossover]  
Húsdaráló    (2015) [CD]  
1st album from '15 by this hungarian Crossover/ Thrash metal band with influences from bands like TANKARD, MUNICIPAL WASTE, NADIMAC, DARKNESS...
-10% Price:   8.95 €
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MASS HYPNOSIA - Attempt to Assassinate
MASS HYPNOSIA [Thrash Metal]  
Attempt to Assassinate    (2010) [CD]  
1st album from '10 by this band from Philippines that plays an intense and aggressive Thrash Metal with inlfuences in the vein of MERCILESS, INVOCATOR, KREATOR, HYPNOSIA...
-10% Price:   8.95 €
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MASS HYPNOSIA - Toxiferous Cyanide
MASS HYPNOSIA [Thrash Metal]  
Toxiferous Cyanide    (2016) [CD]  
2nd album from '16 by this band from Philippines that plays an intense and aggressive Thrash Metal with inlfuences in the vein of MERCILESS, INVOCATOR, KREATOR, HYPNOSIA...
-30% Price:   8.95 €
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MASS MADNESS - Innerbeast
MASS MADNESS [Thrash Metal]  
Innerbeast    (2021) [CD]  
3rd album from '21 by this russian band with a brutal and gressive female vocalist that plays an intense Thrash Metal in the vein of DARKANE, CARNAGL FORGE, SLAYER...
-10% Price:   8.95 €
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