1st album form '02 by this italian band that plays a slow, corosive, melancholic and hypnotic Black a la ABYSSIC HATE, BURZUM (filosofem) and early KATATONIA.
4th album from '02 by this veteran irish band. Faster and more aggressive than the previous one, even with influences in the vein of IMMORTAL, but always keeping that own epic touch characteristic of them.
4th album from '03 by this norwegian band that plays an infernal Black Metal that mixes the rawness of bands like DARKTHRONE & GORGOROTH with the fastness of bands like DARK FUNERAL and MARDUK. [Digipack]
3rd album form '03 by this finnish band of fast and cold nordic Black Metal with good melodies. Certain touches in the vein of IMMORTAL on their first albums.
4th album from '07 by the most mythical and legendary norwegian Black Metal band. A return to more raw and dark sounds again featuring Attila on vocals!!
4th album from '88 by the undisputed fathers of Black Metal, the last one performing this style before turning into Viking Metal. Undoubtely a masterpiece of the genre!!
Re-issue on vinyl of the 4th album from '88 of the undisputed fathers of Black Metal, the last one performing this style before turning into Viking Metal. Undoubtely a masterpiece of the genre!!
7th album from '01 of this legendary band from Finland that has enriched his sound with more technical and varied rhythms, but without loosing their characteristic essence.
2nd album from '99 by this finnish band that plays an aggressive, raw and merciless Black Metal with influences from early IMMORTAL, CARPATHIAN FOREST, SATYRICON...
Vinyl version with gatefold cover of the 2nd album from '99 by this finnish band that plays an aggressive, raw and merciless Black Metal with influences from early IMMORTAL, CARPATHIAN FOREST, SATYRICON...
4th album from '21 by this spanish band of fast, raw and cold Black Metal with inlfuences from nordic bands in the vein of MAYHEM, IMMORTAL, early MARDUK, old SATYRICON... [Digipack]