2nd album from '91 by this mythic norwegian band where they radically changed from swedish Death to a raw Black Metal in the purest vein of MAYHEM, BATHORY with touches from HELLHAMMER.
4-CD boxed edition that includes 4 albums by this German band of epic, cold and majestic Black. Something like BURZUM from "Hvis Lysett..." but with more abundant keyboards.
- "...und die Nacht kam Schweren Schrittes" ('02)
- "Der Letzte Winter - Der Ewigkeit entgegen" ('05)
- "Lichtschleier" ('06)
- "Gebirgshoehenstille" ('08)
4th album from '09 of this german band of fast and raw Black Metal pretty much in the vein of DARK FUNERAL, DARKTHRONE, GORGOROTH... but with really raw vocals a la BURZUM.
Digipack re-issue of the 2nd studio album from '96 plus 2 bonus (one live and a cover of MASTER'S HAMMER) by this legendary although underrated czech band that plays the purest, most savage and raw Black Metal with influences from early norwegian bands. [Digipack]
3rd album from '02 of this legendary french band that plays a fast, raw and simplistic norwegian Black Metal in the vein of BURZUM, but in their fast songs. Also touches a la DARKTHRONE.
Vinyl version in 2-LP in clear wax with black splatter and gatefold cover of the 3rd album from '05 of this veteran US band of raw, cold, chaotic and mystic Black Metal with slow, ambient and depressive parts.
Vinyl version in 2-LP in red wax with white splatter and gatefold cover of the 4th album from '08 of this veteran US band of raw, cold, chaotic and mystic Black Metal with slow, ambient and depressive parts.
3rd album from '07 of this US band that plays the most raw and primitive Black Metal with influences from bands like BEHERIT, DARKTHRONE, HELLHAMMER, BATHORY, BURZUM...
Re-issue on digipack of the demo '07 (7 songs/ 35 min.) by this magnific japanese Black Metal band with excellent melodies with a neoclassic feel and varied structures. Some touches a la BURZUM, SIGH... [Digipack]