3rd album from '14 by this russian band of fucking heavy and technical Slam Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, CEPHALOTRIPSY, WORMED, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED GHOST...
Re-issue of the two first mini CD's by this russian band of fucking heavy and technical Slam Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, CEPHALOTRIPSY, WORMED, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED GHOST...
1st album from '12 by this russian band of fucking heavy and technical Slam Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, CEPHALOTRIPSY, WORMED, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED GHOST...
Vinyl version of the 1st album from '12 by this russian band of fucking heavy and technical Slam Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, CEPHALOTRIPSY, WORMED, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED GHOST...
2nd album from '13 by this russian band of fucking heavy and technical Slam Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, CEPHALOTRIPSY, WORMED, ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY, TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED GHOST... [Digipack]
1st album from '18 by this italian band of ultra-blastinc Slamming Brutal Death/ Grind for lovers of WAKING THE CADAVER, VULVECTOMY, GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT...
Re-issue with different cover art and 8 bonuses of their demos from '95 and '97 by this Irish band of a fast and personal Grind/ Death with influences from both old school bands like NAPALM DEATH/ TERRORIZER and more current NASUM/ type REGURGITATE. Great production by Mieszko from NASUM!!
2nd album from '01 by this band from Ireland, recorded in Sweden at Soundlab by Mieszko of NASUM. Their style is now a mega-fast and chaotic Grind/Death in the vein of NASUM/ REGURGITATE. 24 pulverizing songs with a great production!!
Limited edition to 100 copies on black-CD of the official re-issue in only one CD that includes the only album "Zygotical Sabbatory Anabapt" ['96], their 7"EP "Upheaval Of Blasphemy" ['93] and their demo "Rumpus Of The Undead" ['89]. Infernal and blaspheme Unholy Black/ Death for lovers of bands like BLASPHEMY, IMPIETY, BESTIAL WARLUST and similars.
1st album from '15 by this US band that plays a Brutal Death with influences from bands like DISGORGE (usa), DEVOURMENT, early CEPHALIC CARNAGE, ORIGIN...
2nd album from '18 by this US band that plays a Brutal Death with influences from bands like DISGORGE (usa), DEVOURMENT, early CEPHALIC CARNAGE, ORIGIN...
1st album from '19 by this Austrian band of dark, heavy and chaotic Death Metal, in an INCANTATION vein, but with a touch of Canadian Death/ Black bands.
2nd album from '16 by this US band of fast and technical Brutal Death with influences in the vein of DEEDS OF FLESH, MORTAL DECAY, GORGASM, CRYPTOPSY, DISAVOWED...
1st album from '23 by this Turkish band that plays a dark and heavy Death Metal with influences in the vein of INCANTATION, GRAVE, IMPRECATION, BOLT THROWER, ASPHYX...
Vinyl version of the 1st album from '23 by this Turkish band that plays a dark and heavy Death Metal with influences in the vein of INCANTATION, GRAVE, IMPRECATION, BOLT THROWER, ASPHYX...
2nd album form '22 by this band from Argentina of Unholy Black/ Death with influences from bands like TEITANBLOOD, BLASPHEMY, INFERNAL CURSE... [Digipack]
ultra-brutal debut from '04 of this brazilian band that plays a fast and intense Death Metal in the vein of bands like KRISIUN, MORBID ANGEL, DEICIDE...