4th album from '23 by this spanish band featuring members from MISTWEAVER & MASS BURIAL that plays a Gore Death/ Grind devoted to the heaviest side of bands like old CARCASS, NECRONY, EXHUMED, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, GENERAL SURGERY...
2nd album from '00 by this band from Slovakia that plays an intense and crazy Grindcore with influences in the vein of NAPALM DEATH, MASTIC SCUM... but even more deranged.
2nd album from '99 by this ultra-brutal turkish band, now lest Grind and totally devoted to US brutal Death in the vein of bands like FLESHGRIND, SUFFOCATION, CANNIBAL CORPSE... guttural vocals and blast-beats a go-go!!
Mini CD from '12 with 8 songs by this US band featuring Barrett Amiss II, owner of Sevared Rec. that plays an ultra-brutal, mega-vomitive and super-guttural Grind/ Gore/ Death only for lovers of MORTICIAN, CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION, N.C.C. and the likes.
5th opus by this portuguese band of the most punishing Brutal Death/ Grind/ Gore. 19 songs with a great production and a repulsive presentation, perfect for lovers of bands like ABORTED, CANNIBAL CORPSE, early DERANGED, NAPALM DEATH, SUFFOCATION, CARCASS...
Re-issue of the crushing debut from '98 with 12 songs of this band from Los Angeles that mix brutal and heavy US Death Metal in the vein of SUFFOCATION with certain touches a la TERRORIZER.
2nd album from '21 by this legendary polish band formed in '88, which plays a Grind/ Death with influences in the vein of TERRORIZER, NAPALM DEATH, BRUTAL TRUTH, DEFECATION...
Vinyl version in black wax of the 2º album from '22 by this spanish band that plays a mixture between Death, Grind, Crust & Punk with influences in the vein of WOLFPACK, WOLFBRIGADE, BOLT THROWER, GRAVE, DISCHARGE, ENTOMBED...
1st mini CD from '22 by this US band that plays a Death/ Grind with influences in the vein of SKINLESS, CATTLE DECAPITATION, early DECAPITATED, CANNIBAL CORPSE, PSYCROPTIC...
2nd album from '20 by this german band that plays a hybrid between a catchy and heavy Death Metal with very fast Grind parts a la ROTTEN SOUND. 19 songs in almost 35 minutes of madness!!
1st album from '08 by this legendary german band formed in '87 of Crust/ Grind with Death touches. Imagine an hybrid between EXTREME NOISE TERROR, BLOOD, NAPALM DEATH, MASTIC SCUM, TERRORIZER... Excellent production and catchy songs!!
1st album from '21 by this german band of dirty and intense Death Metal with Grind touches and influences as varied as AUTOPSY, TERRORIZER, KAAMOS, MONASTERY...
2nd album from '10 with 20 songs by this super-fast Grindcore band from Australia with influences form bands like NAPALM DEATH, ROTTEN SOUND, NASUM, PIG DESTROYER...
2nd album from '92 by PARACOCCIDIOIMICOSIS-PROCTITISSARCOMUCOSIS, 8 songs of a heavy and brutal Gore/ Grind/ Death with influences from MORTICIAN, GUT, DISGORGE (mex), CARCASS...
1st album from '08 by this mexican band of nasty, brutal and heavy Gore Death/ Grind with influences in the vein of DISGORGE (mex), CARCASS, MORTICIAN, CANNIBAL CORPSE... Blood and entrails everywhere!!
3rd album from '07 with 16 songs at the speed of light by this super-intense and chaotic german band of Grind/ Hardcore. Influences in the vein of NASUM, NAPALM DEATH... but exceeded in revolutions!!
Vinyl version with different cover and title, that contains the three demos from '88/'89/'90 by this polish band of Grind/ Death where drummer Doc was playing before joining VADER.
3rd album from '19, the return after 15 years of silence of this US Gore/ Grind/ Death band with influences in the vein of CARCASS, AUTOPSY, IMPETIGO...