Astonishing debut by this spanish band of pure Thrash Metal the classic way with influences in the vein of METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT... executed in a masterly way with a great vocalist. Memorable songs full of dynamics where they blend melody and aggression on equal parts getting a great result. All this accompanied by a great production and excellent cover art by Andrei Bouzikov... we're in front of the great revelation of spanish Thrash in 2013!!
2nd album of this killer spanish band that plays an intense Thrash Metal in its purest form, blending aggressive riffing with a great sense of melody creating memorable songs dragging varied influences that might remind you to bands like MORTAL SIN, OVER KILL, SLAYER, old METALLICA, TESTAMENT, early ANNIHILATOR and the Bay Area sound.
2nd album of this killer spanish band of motherfucking, infernal & aggressive old school Thrash Metal with a slight Speed Metal touch. Influences in the vein of KREATOR, ABSU, NECRONOMICON, SODOM, EXODUS, DESTRUCTION, DESTRÖYER 666...
The comeback 3rd album of these dutch veteran Thrashers with a stunning production and a bunch of great songs filled with killer riffs, intense and relentless compositions with an awesome compositive sense. Lovers of SLAYER, early PESTILENCE, REVENANT... beware!!
Stunning debut album of this spanish Thrash Metal band. Aggressive, tight and intense stuff for lovers of SLAYER, SEPULTURA (Arise), TESTAMENT... with an awesome vocalist that will make you shit your pants!! If you don't love this album, you're not a thrasher!!
2nd full length album by this spanish band that plays an infernal Thrash/ Death with influences in the vein of SLAYER, POSSESSED, SODOM, SARCOFAGO, RAZOR, MASSACRE... a fucking avalanch of sonic destruction!!
2nd album by this russian band that plays a melodic modern Metal with influences from bands like SHADOWS FALL, ALL THAT REMAINS, TRIVIUM, IN FLAMES, LAMB OF GOD...
2nd album by this spanish band of aggressive and motherfucking Satanicspeed Thrash Metal. More intense and faster than their debut, an infernal whirlwind for lovers of bands like SADUS, POSSESSED, KREATOR, WHIPLASH, SODOM...
3rd album from '10 by this spanish Thrash Metal band that plays a fresh and varied style influenced by bands like METALLICA, TESTAMENT, SEPULTURA, THE HAUNTED, KREATOR, AT THE GATES, SLAYER…
1st full length album by this spanish band that plays an aggressive and motherfucking "Satanicspeed Thrash Metal" from the old school with influences from bands like KREATOR, SADUS, DESTRUCTION, WHIPLASH, SODOM... Re-issue by XTREEM MUSIC with 2 bonus!!