CD that includes the demo "...Go to Hell" ('14) y el EP "Pure Holocausting Hell" ('15) by this canadian band of corrosive Black/ Thrash influenced by bands like TOXIC HOLOCAUST, SODOM, ABIGAIL, DESTROYER 666...
2nd album by this brazilian band that plays a furious, savage and primitive Black Metal with a dirty crusty feel that perfectly keeps the essence of the early BATHORY albums. Any lover of the early Black// Thrash/ Punk edged works of Quorthon, will love this band!
3rd album from '16 by this canadian band of dark and aggressive Death/ Black/ Thrash with influences in the vein of SADISTIC INTENT, ABSU, ANGEL CORPSE, NECROVORE, ORDER FROM CHAOS, NUNSLAUGHTER...
2nd album from '17 by this turkish band that plays a Black/ Thrash with influences in the vein of AURA NOIR, MASTER'S HAMMER, TORMENTOR (hun), CARPATHIAN FOREST... Includes free embroidered patch.
CD with 20 songs by this colombian band that includes the unreleased EP from '11, the demo '09, 5 unreleased tracks and some live tunes. A nasty, raw and alcoholic Thrash/ Punk with influences in the vein of TOXIC HOLOCAUST, DISCHARGE, MOTÖRHEAD, VENOM, INEPSY...
3rd album by this nasty and evil spanish band of raw and primitive Thrash/ Black/ Punk for lovers of bands like SODOM "In the Sign of Evil", TOXIC HOLOCAUST, very early ONSLAUGHT, DISCHARGE, MIDNIGHT, early SARCOFAGO, INEPSY…
1st album from '07 by this hungarian band of Thrash/ Black/ Punk that blends varied influences in the vein of BARBATOS, VENOM, BROKEN BONES, old SODOM, ABIGAIL, early KREATOR...
32 Pag in A4. Written in english. French 'zine devoted to Black, Thrash & Death with interviews to: Abigor, Crucified Mortals, Envenom, Sael, Maniak, Ululate, Sodomizer, Dark Mystery y Fastkill as well as album and demo reviews.