1st album from '10 by this russian band that plays pure Viking Folk Pagan Metal with influences from bands in the vein of ENSIFERUM, FINNTROLL, TURISAS, MOONSORROW, ELUVEITIE...
1st album from '07 of this excellent Czech band of Pagan Black Metal with good melodies acompanied by flute, bag-pipe, choruses... Influences in the vein of MANEGARM, IMMORTAL, THYRFING, MOONSORROW...
1st album by this spanish band leaded by Volundr (SVIPDAGR) y Lianne Krossburner (EDENKAISER) where they play a raw and melodic Pagan Black Metal influenced by bands like THYRFING, MOONSORROW, ARKONA, PRIMORDIAL, BATHORY...
1st album of this rusian band that plays a Pagan Folk Metal/ Rock with flutes, bagpipes, etc and influences from bands like IN EXTREMO, SCHANDMAUL, KORPIKLAAIN, TANZWUT, TROLL GNET EI...
CD from '11 that contains songs from the four albums and the EP of this russian band of Pagan Folk Metal in the vein of bands like KORPIKLAANI, ARKONA, FINNTROLL, KALEVALA, TROLLFEST...
Mini CD with 4 own songs and a cover of KOROZY (23 min.) by this russian band of progressive Folk Metal with clean voices and a great variety of instrumentations.