3rd album from '21 by this polish band that plays an intense Thrash Metal with slight Death touches influenced by bands like SLAYER, 1st album of MALEVOLENT CREATION, early SEPULTURA, KREATOR...
Re-issue of the only album from '88 plus the demos '86 & '87 by this aussie band of intense Thrash Metal in the vein of bands like SLAYER, HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH, early MORTAL SIN, HALLOWS EVE, DEATH ANGEL...
Re-issue of the only album from '88 by this aussie band of intense Thrash Metal in the vein of bands like SLAYER, HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH, early MORTAL SIN, HALLOWS EVE, DEATH ANGEL...
4th album of this killer spanish band that plays an intense Thrash Metal in its purest form, blending aggressive riffing with a great sense of melody creating memorable songs dragging varied influences that might remind you to bands like VIO-LENCE, OVER KILL, SLAYER, old METALLICA, TESTAMENT, early ANNIHILATOR and the Bay Area sound.
2nd album of this killer spanish band that plays an intense Thrash Metal in its purest form, blending aggressive riffing with a great sense of melody creating memorable songs dragging varied influences that might remind you to bands like MORTAL SIN, OVER KILL, SLAYER, old METALLICA, TESTAMENT, early ANNIHILATOR and the Bay Area sound.
3rd album from '20 by this italian band that plays a Thrash Metal strongly influenced by METALLICA and also with touches in the vein of MORTAL SIN, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT...
4º album from '23 by this italian band that plays a Thrash Metal strongly influenced by METALLICA and also with touches in the vein of MORTAL SIN, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT...
Vinyl version of the 4º album from '23 by this italian band that plays a Thrash Metal strongly influenced by METALLICA and also with touches in the vein of MORTAL SIN, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT...
Re-issue on bi-color red/white wax with poster of the very rare 1st 7-song mini LP from '84 by this legendary canadian Speed/ Thrash Metal band. Side B includes 6 bonus which are the preproduction demo for this EP.
Official re-issue of the 11-track demo '84 that was actually going to be the 1st album, but was scrapped due to record label issues. Now this material comes to light more raw and rabid even than what was later debut album. [Slipcase]
Official vinyl re-issue of the 11-track demo '84 that was actually going to be the 1st album, but was scrapped due to record label issues. Now this material comes to light more raw and rabid even than what was later debut album.