Re-issue on CD-Digipack of the 1st demo from '85 (6 songs) plus 13 live bonus from a show from '85 by this British Death/ Thrash band with a sound similar to NECROPHAGIA, NECROVORE, MANTAS... [Digipack]
6th album by this excellent Spanish band that plays a powerful hybrid between Power/ Heavy/ Thrash for lovers of groups like BRAINSTORM, ICED EARTH, JAG PANZER, MYSTIC PROPHECY, TAD MOROSE, IRON SAVIOR...
Unofficial re-issue of the killer only album from '86 by this powerful US Heavy Metal band, where A.J. Pero, former TWISTED SISTER drummer, played. A cult album!! Includes the '84 and '85 demos as a bonus. [Digipack]
1st album from '98 by this swedish band of aggressive and melodic Death/ Thrash for lovers of bands like SACRAMENTUM, UNAMIMATED, DESULTORY, AT THE GATES...
Excellent 2nd album from '03 of this band from Hungary that plays a symphonic Black Metal with really epic and medieval elements. Influences in the vein of EMPEROR, SUMMONNING and even early CRADLE OF FILTH & DIMMU BORGIR.
11th album from '21 by this legendary norwegian act of a really aggressive and majestcic Viking Black Metal. Touches in the vein of SATYRICON, THORNS, BATHORY, ENSLAVED...
Unofficial edition in A5 Digipack Boxset of 8 CD's with different recordings taken from radio broadcasts (perfect sound) between the years '79 to '02. [A5 Digipack]
2nd album from '98 by this band from El Salvador featuring Rodrigo Artiga, current vocalist/drummer in KATAPLEXIA. Brutal Death with influences form bands in the vein of SUFFOCATION, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEEDS OF FLESH...
1st album from '15 by this Greek band of classic Black Metal with good melodies and influences from bands like early ROTTING CHRIST, VARATHRON, MACABRE OMEN...