Mini CD from '15 by this polish band of pure Death Metal the ancient way in the vein of bands like ASPHYX, POSSESSED, SODOM, ORDER FROM CHAOS, PESTILENCE...
1st album from '22 by this US band featuring ex-members of NOCTURNUS, KILLING ADDICITON, INSATANITY, HELLWITCH... that plays an old school Death Metal with keyboards very much in the vein of MORBID ANGEL/ NOCTURNUS.
4th album from '14 of this killer polish band that plays a symphonic Black Metal with Death touches. Something like DIMMU BORGIR/ EMPEROR with touches a la BEHEMOTH/ BELPHEGOR. Impressive!!
4th album from '19 by this band from Slovenia that plays a Black/ Thrash/ Heavy in the vein of bands like DEVIL LEE ROT, BEWITCHED, VENOM, SABBAT (jap)...
2ş CD that contains 23 songs taken from the numerous EP's & splits by this brazilian band of nasty Thrash/ Punk/ Heavy with influences in the vein of TOXIC HOLOCAUST, VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, DISCHARGE, BULLDOZER, INEPSY...
2nd album from '15, the return after 22 years since their debut, by this legendary swedish band in the purest tradition of bands like ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, NIRVANA 2002, MORPHEUS...
3rd album from '20 by this french Thrash Metal band with influences in the vein nof RIGOR MORTIS, RAZOR, primeros LOUDBLAST, VOIVOD, ZOETROPE, DEVASTATION...
1st album from '18 by this italian band of ultra-blastinc Slamming Brutal Death/ Grind for lovers of WAKING THE CADAVER, VULVECTOMY, GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT...
4th album from '04 of this band, continuation of AUTOPSY that follows the same steps of this band in their two first albums. 12 songs of pure old school Death, rotting and primitive!!
6th album from '13 by this killer polish band of fast, intense, dissonant and twisted Grindcore. Somekind of progressive version of NASUM, MULE SKINNER, ASSÜCK, NAPALM DEATH...
Re-issue with 3 bonus of the 2nd album from '93, pretty much in the vein of their previous work, unboubtely another classic in the swedish Death genre, like everything recorded by this band!!
3rd album from '20 by this Rogga Johansson band (PAGANIZER/ PUTREVORE, RIBSPREADER...) where he play a heavy Death Metal with influences in the vein of GRAVE, BOLT THROWER, ENTOMBED... [Digipack]
Re-issue in 2-CD of the 3rd album "Eternal Death" and the 4th "The Burning", both from '02 by this swedish band of aggressive and melodic Death/ Thrash for lovers of bands like SACRAMENTUM, UNAMIMATED, DESULTORY, AT THE GATES...
3rd album from '21 by this killer Polish band of technical, dissonant and intense Death Metal with influences in the vein of MORBID ANGEL, HATE ETERNAL, DECAPITATED, ULCERATE, HOUR OF PENANCE, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, INGURGITATING OBLIVION... [Digipack]
2nd album from '13 by this greek band that plays a Crossover Thrash Metal with influences from bands like EXODUS, MUNICIPAL WASTE, NUCLEAR ASSAULT, SLAYER, D.R.I., VIO-LENCE...