1st album from '21 by this italian band that plays a brutal Death Metal with influences in the vein of CANNIBAL CORPSE, BROKEN HOPE, CRYPTOPSY, MALEVOLENT CREATION...
2-CD reissue that includes all the material recorded by this US Heavy Metal band with a certain progressive touch a la QUEENSRYCHE, SIREN, WATCHTOWER... that evolved towards Thrash. It includes their 1st demo from '88, the two demos from '89, the "Rise or Fall" EP from '90, an unreleased demo from '93 and a song from '18.
4th album from '14 of this veteran italian band of brutal Death, more and more brutal with every release!! Influences in the vein of SUFFOCATION, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEEDS OF FLESH...
CD that compiles the three EP's: "Machine Driven Crushing" ('07), "Evil Unfolds" ('11) and "Imbibe the Virtuous" ('12) by this swedish band that plays pure Death Metal from the old school with influences like CANNIBAL CORPSE, BLOODBATH, DISMEMBER, FLESHCRAWL...
1st album from '22 by this Italian band that plays a ferocious Brutal Death/ Grind with inclusions in the vein of MISERY INDEX, SUFFOCATION, DYING FETUS, DYSCARNATE...
1st album from '91 by this russian band called ZHELEZNYI POTOK, considered the russian answer to METALLICA. Remastered and with lyrics translated into English.
2nd album from '22 by this chilean band of powerful Heavy Metal for lovers of bands like HELLOWEEN, CHROMING ROSE, SCANNER, MANIA, ANGEL DUST, RAGE, GRAVE DIGGER...
CD version with 1 bonus (5 songs/35 min.) of the EP originally released on vinyl by this italian band of dark Sludge Doom with influences in the vein of UNEARTHLY TRANCE, MANTAR, COFFINWORM...
1st album from '09 by this french band of dark and enigmatic Black Metal with influences in the vein of DEATHSPELL OMEGA, PESTE NOIR, ANTAEUS, PORTAL...
3rd album from '23 with 16 songs by this polish band of pure Grindcore for lovers of bands like TERRORIZER, EXTREME NOISE TERROR, REPULSION, NAPALM DEATH...
2nd album from '99 by this mexican band pre-PULVERIZED that plays a fast and brutal Detah Metal with influences from bands like IMMOLATION, GORGUTS, MALEVOLENT CREATION, MONSTROSITY...
2nd album from '14 by this polish band that plays a heavy, technical and twisted Death Metal with influences in the vein of GORGUTS, MORBID ANGEL, IMMOLATION, DEATH... [Slipcase]
2nd album from '11 plus the "Conquer" EP from '12 by this swedish band of Power/ Speed/ Heavy Metal with influenced in the vein of SCANNER, MANIA, early HELLOWEEN, JUDAS PRIEST, RUNNING WILD...
Official 2-CD re-issue containing 4 new songs, their 1st album "No Place Like Home" ('86), the 7"EP "Metro-Mercenary" ('84), the 4 demos from '84-'90, and live songs from '86 by this US technical Power/ Speed Metal band with influences in the vein of WATCHTOWER, CRIMSON GLORY, SAVATAGE, QUEENSRYCHE...