1st album from '15 by this german band that plays a fucking piglike hybrid of Slam Brutal Death with Gore/ Grind blending influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, GUTALAX, VULVECTOMY, NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE, CEPHALOTRIPSY...
4th album from '14 by this italian band of perverted porno Gore/ Grind. 18 songs with influences from bands like BLOOD, MORTICIAN, DEAD INFECTION, C.B.T....
2nd album from '18 by this spanish band featuring members from MISTWEAVER & MASS BURIAL that plays a Gore Death/ Grind devoted to the heaviest side of bands like old CARCASS, NECRONY, EXHUMED, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, GENERAL SURGERY...
1st album from '17 by this veteran band from Argentina that plays a mixture of Brutal Death & Gore/ Grind with influences in the vein of DEVOURMENT, GENERAL SURGERY, MORTICIAN, REGURGITATE...
8th album by this mexican band of fucking guttural Gore/ Grind with influences in the vein of C.B.T., LYMPHATIC PHLEGM, CARCASS, NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE, STOMA...
3rd album with 20 songs by this spanish band of vomitive and deranged Gore/ Grind with influences in the vein of ROMPEPROP, CARCASS, C.B.T., LYMPHATIC PHLEGM...
1st album from '10 with 19 songs by this sick czech that plays a groovy and vomitive Gore/ Grind with industrial touches in the vein of AHUMADO GRANUJO, C.B.T., ANAL NOSOROG...
3rd album from '13 by this czech band formerly known as NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE where they continue their own cult to ultra-gutturality with their already vomitive brand of Gore/ Grind!!
3rd album from '16 by this belgian band of fucking brutal Gore/ Grind/ Death with influences in the vein of DEAD INFECTION, ALIENATION MENTAL, LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY, SQUASH BOWELS...
4th album from '09 by this italian band of pure Gore/ Grind in the vein of bands like ROMPEPROP, LYMPHATIC PHLEGM, LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY, C.B.T., STOMA...
1st album from '17 by this spanish band featuring members from MISTWEAVER & MASS BURIAL that plays a Gore Death/ Grind devoted to the heaviest side of bands like old CARCASS, NECRONY, EXHUMED, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, GENERAL SURGERY...
2nd album from '15 by this portuguese band with ex-HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL members that plays a funny Gore/ grind a la GRONIBARD and then the typical stuff like ROMPEPROP, C.B.T., GUTALAX...
Split CD with 12 songs from americans B.I. and 8 from germans A.T. Only for lovers of the most nasty, vomitive and deep Gore/ Grind in the vein of GUT, ROMPEPROP, LYPMPHATIC PHLEGM...
4thd album from '11 by this fucking nasty and vomitive US band of Porno Gore/ Grind in the vein of bands like CATASAXUAL URGE MOTIVATION, LYHMPATIC PHLEGM, THE DAY EVERYTHING BECAME NOTHING...
1st album from '09 by this czech band that plays a Techno Gore/ Grind in the vein of bands like LIBIDO AIRBAG, NUNWHORE COMMANDO 666, TOURETTE SYNDROM...
2nd album by this spanish band formed by members of INFECTED FLESH, PESTA PORCINA & CHRIST DENIED that plays a heavy, groovy and crushing Gore/ Grind for lovers of bands like C.B.T., ROMPEPROP, GUTALAX, HYMEN HOLOCAUST, GUT...