01. The Resurrectionists
02. The Creation of the Monstrosity
03. Human Flesh is Also Food
04. Antemortem Dissection
05. Autopsy's Protocol
06. Nasty Surgeons
07. Ode to Bad Taste
08. Burnt with Sulfuric Acid
09. Devoured Alive
10. Exhumation Requiem
1st album from '17 by this spanish band featuring members from MISTWEAVER & MASS BURIAL that plays a Gore Death/ Grind devoted to the heaviest side of bands like old CARCASS, NECRONY, EXHUMED, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, GENERAL SURGERY...
You wouldn’t necessarily know it from their anglicized band name but Nasty Surgeons do in fact hail from Spain. But of more importance than their native land is what they actually do and in this case the answer is a death metal/grind coupling of the kind that has become the forte of Spanish label Xtreem Music in recent years.
Further confirmation – should you require it – as to which side of the metal fence Nasty Surgeons stand is made crystal clear from the coffin theme sleeve artwork, the ornate but indecipherable band logo and song titles such as ‘Antemortem Dissection’ and ‘Burnt With Sulfuric Acid’.
Having come up with the name, Nasty Surgeons have set about writing 10 songs all with a medical theme running through them. With so much blood and guts swilling around your average hospital corridor the Spaniards seemed to have very little difficulty in achieving this.
The good thing about this album is that it actually works very well. While the hospital reference points have that constant drip drip effect (get it!) there’s enough different sonic strands thread into their operating theatre of hate to make Exhumation Requiem a pretty good album. Although velocity levels are intense at times, speed is not the only card Nasty Surgeons have lodged up their infected sleeve.
Opener ‘The Resurrectionists’ casts a spell of impending doom across the ward during its instrumental lead in before the Nasty Surgeons arrive brandishing their Victorian treasure chest of malignant instruments (medical, not musical!). All hell erupts and by the sounds of it that’s exactly where this lot are heading as the blastbeats kick in and a deathly growl starts to spew forth a bedpan of bile.
‘Human Flesh is so Food’ is another ravenous track that races by with barking vitriolic lyrics, pummeling percussive beats and even thrashier riffage as Nasty Surgeons crack the whip from pillar to post.
Things get even meatier on ‘Antemortem Dissection’ which opens up, literally, with what sounds like a person being disemboweled while they’re still alive. Not good. A standard death metal tempo slows to a crawl later on as a siren like whine asserts before the pendulum again swings back, probably hitting the beleaguered patient along the way.
The thunder starts to crack even more fiercely on the apocalyptic ‘Autopsy’s Protocol’ with cavernous breakdowns injected to slow and then build up momentum as Nasty Surgeons find themselves elbow deep in guttural gore. The self-titled ‘Nasty Surgeons’ opens with a groove catchier than a hospital bed bug while ‘Ode To Bad Taste’ is another blisteringly raw barrage of cadaver crushing riffs. As for ‘Burnt with Sulfuric Acid,’ well I think that can be filed under ‘facemelter’.
As if to seal Nasty Surgeon’s reputation for having an appalling bedside manner, album title track closer ‘Exhumation Requiem’ features a fuzzed up funeral march at the start before one final eruption of medical mayhem that would strike fear in the patients’ waiting room. It’s fair to say that Nasty Surgeons won’t be asked to do any promo work for the NHS any time soon.
Desde Burgos nos llega el álbum debut de la nueva banda de ex componentes de conocidas bandas en nuestra escena extrema como MISTWEAVER, MASS BURIAL, DALLE… entre otras. Sin una grabación oficial previa, NASTY SURGEONS firmaron este pasado año con el activo sello Xtreem Music, para la edición de esta obra debut.
Desde el arte de la portada, magníficamente realizada por Juanjo Castellano, ya nos empezamos a hacer una idea de que ese sentimiento de decrepitud, putrescencia y corrupción de la carne, debe estar reflejada en la música de NASTY SURGEONS, y efectivamente una vez comienza a sonar “The Resurrectionist”, nos queda claro que la música es una visión del lado más mortal y purulento del Death Metal, aderezado con multitud de influencias del Grindcore mas añejo. Si hay unas bandas que nos pueden venir a la mente al escuchar a NASTY SURGEONS son sin duda, los antiguos CARCASS, NECRONY, CARBONIZED, REPULSION… mezclados con ritmos de bandas de Death Metal, tipo AUTOPSY, PUNGENT STENCH, MASTER,… resumiendo, una orgia de velocidad, tiempos pesados y aplastantes. Gran trabajo de los guitarras, los cuales han sabido estrujarse en la composición de unos temas que no se hacen aburridos, están llenos de intensidad, velocidad pero cada riff es perfectamente audible, la batería y el bajo son una apisonadora que acompaña cada riff imprimiendo una contundencia realmente admirable.
El sonido en los 10 temas que componen “Exhumation Requiem” es muy bueno, perfecto para este tipo de grabaciones y estilo, guitarras pesadas, bajo y batería presente en todo momento. En el Death / Grind, de este corte tan decrépito, mórbido y pesado es bastante habitual el uso de dos voces, cosa que NASTY SURGEONS han estado muy al tanto de que no faltase, una más gutural y oscura, junto con otra que en determinados momentos añade ese toque más agudo, violento y agresivo, muy buen trabajo en este sentido también. Tampoco faltan las introducciones previas a las canciones, con pasajes de películas o series a cada cual más violento, nauseabundo e inquietante.
Sobre los temas todos siguen una misma onda, cosa que hará las delicias de todos aquellos que disfrutamos con este estilo, destacaría “Autopsy´s Protocol” por el buen trabajo de guitarras, “Antemortem Dissection” por ese recuerdo a los añorados primeros años de los maestros CARCASS, “Nasty Surgeons” por ese comienzo acústico y su ritmo más pesado mezclado con los riffs más Grindcore. En sí, es una grabación muy sólida y que cualquier tema puede satisfacer las ansias de disfrutar de una perfecta mezcla de Death Metal y Grindcore.
De nuevo estamos sorprendidos por otra novel banda, que sin apenas ruido ha llegado para presentarnos un muy buen álbum lleno de vísceras, entrañas purulentas, velocidad endiablada y purulencia en cada uno de los cortes. Habrá que seguir muy atentamente las siguientes grabaciones de esta banda, que de seguir con esta propuesta y calidad puede llegar a ser tan conocida como muchas otras excelentes bandas del estilo nacionales.
2016 gegründet, Anfang 2017 das Debüt-Full-Length Album auf den Markt geschmissen.
Zack, Prack, hier geht es jemand aber ordentlich an. Nasty Surgeons nennt sich die Truppe aus Spanien, die uns mit “Exhumation Requiem” einen Death Metal/Grindcore Todesmarsch auf einen Silberling gepresst haben.
Nun gut, dann nehmen wir uns dieser äußerst friedvollen, meditierbaren, familienfreundlichen Tanzmusik an und hören genau hin, was die Jungs aus dem Süden zusammengepfercht haben.
Leck mich doch am Arsch! “Exhumation Requiem” ist ein sehr geiles Teil! Für ein Debütalbum ist das hier dargebotene Material Hammer! Einflüsse von Carcass, Exhumed oder General Surgery können nicht geleugnet werden, dennoch hat Nasty Surgeons ihre eigene Linie. Auch ab und an könnte man eventuell auch noch ein paar Inspirationen von Necrony wahrnehmen, dennoch fahren die Spanier hier ihr eigenes Ding.
Das Klangbild ist etwas verrauscht. Somit kreieren Nasty Surgeons einen noch schrofferen Beigeschmack und machen das ohnehin schon sehr brutale Songmaterial noch angst einflößender und morbider. “Exhumation Requiem” ist nichts für zartbesaitete. Soviel darf man noch verraten. Die Riffs sind schroff und geradlinig. Der Bass bebt im Einklang mit dem harten Schlagwerk und am Mikrofon hängt ein Untier, das versucht, sich von den ihm angelegten Ketten zu entreißen. Na wehe, wenn sie losgelassen….so in etwa preschen die Todesbringer aus Burgos von der ersten Sekunde in Richtung Ende dieses 40-Minüters. Ohne Unterlass wird hier geshreddert und alles kurz und klein gehackt. Nasty Surgeons gönnen dem Hörer beziehungsweise der Hörerin nicht auch nur eine einzige Sekunde der Verschnaufpause. Diese Platte geht ab wie Nachbars Lumpi.
Mein Fazit: Als Debütalbum schlägt “Exhumation Requiem” ein wie ein Komet in eine Sandkiste. Sehr überzeugende Darbietung der Mannen aus Spanien. Man darf jetzt schon auf viele viele weitere Veröffentlichungen hoffen. Grindcore Fans und Death Metal Freaks werden Freudensprünge machen.
The Pitch: Pure death metal from Xtreem Music and Spanish band Nasty Surgeons. FFO: Exhumed, Carcass, Impaled
What I Like: There are some solid riffs to be found on here. In particular, "Antemortem Dissection" has killer hooks in a number of different approaches from punchy chords and blackened tremolo to squealing highs and a moderate solo. I also think this track does a good job of matching the disconcerting intro sample with the aesthetic of the music. The drums and primitive vocals both have a certain edge to them reminiscent of classic death metal acts as well as revivals like Gruesome.
What I Don't Like: There's quite a few tracks that strike me as kind of mediocre. Nothing here to really hate, but not enough that really excites me either.
The Verdict: As a band, these guys have a lot to work with when it comes to their sound. This release doesn't really blow me away, but there are enough solid tracks to let me know I should remember the name Nasty Surgeons.
Flight's Fav's: Antemortem Dissection, Autopsy's Protocol, The Resurrectionists
Auf "Exhumation Requiem" wurde das vorliegende Erstwerk von Nasty Surgeons benannt, eine spanische Truppe, die ihre stilistische Ausrichtung im Fahrwasser von General Surgery hat, das Ganze aber noch mit merklicher Death Metal Schlagseite anreichert. Ihre Herkunft lassen sich Nasty Surgeons jedenfalls nicht anhören, denn der Einfluss der skandinavischen Todesmaschinerie ist deutlich, wobei aber dennoch von einer Kopie keine Rede sein kann. Veredelung findet mittels melodischer Gitarrensolos statt und so einige markante Passagen kommen da auch um die Ecke. "The Creation Of The Monstrocity" wartet zum Beispiel mit markantem Schlagwerk auf, während "Autopsy's Protocol" wütend durch die Landschaft pflügt und "Burnt With Sulfuric Acid" mit stimmigen Groove aufschlägt. Das gegebene Wutlevel wirft mitunter beachtliche Momente auf, weshalb die Schießbude auch beständig am Glühen ist. Mit dem Rausschmiss zeigen die Jungs dann nochmals ihre variable Seite auf, wobei es meinerseits aber trotzdem zwei Durchläufe bedurfte, bis das Ding richtig funzte. Macht aber nichts, denn im Gesamtpaket agiert man deutlich über dem Durchschnitt und tritt vor allem bei energischem Abholzen so manchen Kollegen in den Staub.
Fakt ist, dass es auf "Exhumation Requiem" überaus druckvoll ans Eingemachte geht und sich eine gute Produktion mit einem guten Artwork ergänzt. Aber auch wenn hier eine gewisse Frische gegeben ist, so hat man es zwar noch nicht mit ganz perfekten Death Metal Werk zu tun, wobei aber die guten Ansätze für die Zukunft hoffen lassen. Nasty Surgeons legen letztendlich ein sauberes Debüt vor, mit dem es sich solide abschädeln lässt, und wer Bock hat, der sollte mal "Human Flesh Is Also Blood" schlürfen.
Nasty Surgeons ist eine junge Death Metal-Band mit Grindcore-Einflüssen aus Spanien. Wann genau diese Combo entstand, ist mir nicht bekannt. Allerdings ist dieses Debütalbum ihr erstes musikalisches Lebenszeichen überhaupt unter diesem Namen. Gitarrist und Sänger Raúl Weaver spielt noch in zahlreichen anderen Bands, die mir aber alle kein Begriff sind. Als ich etwas von Grindcore und Einflüssen von Exhumed und Carcass gelesen hatte, war ich schon auf einigen Krach gefasst. Allerdings steht hier schon klassischer Death Metal im Vordergrund. Ein stimmungsvolles Intro, welches mich an das von „Cursed“ auf dem gleichnamigen Morgoth-Album erinnert, eröffnet den Reigen, bevor es richtig losgeht. Danach rumpeln Nasty Surgeons ganz gut daher. Simpel, im Uptempo und mit Growlgesang verbinden sie cool US Death Metal mit Schweden Elchtod. Der Gesang erinnert von seiner Phrasierung her sehr an Carcass, wenn auch mit tieferer Stimmlage. Sie grooven dabei wie Dismember, bauen aber auch eine düstere Atmosphäre auf. Wilde Gitarrensoli zeugen von einer dezenten Virtuosität, die zeigt, dass schnelle, ruppige Musik auch handwerklich gut sein kann. Zwar ähneln sich die Songs unterm Strich alle sehr, aber dieses Death Metal-Album, das weder zu retro noch zu grindig ist, macht schon ordentlich Laune.
If you are on the look out for something that is nasty, gritty, filthy and down right deadly, Nasty Surgeons certainly can provide you with all of that and more. Exhumation Requiem is their debut album and what you get inside is ten disgusting songs that are played in the form of death metal mixed with grind. These songs are a good combination of the two genres as you get songs that are wholly chaotic yet they are refined all at the same time, it’s controlled chaos. From note one Nasty Surgeons does their best to peel your face back with their corrosive brand of grind infused death metal and at points it may feel exactly like that.
After a brief intro from the opening song, Nasty Surgeons gets straight into the flesh of the album without hesitation and they don’t look back. There are a few songs on this record with some intros but those hardly slow these heathens down as after those intros are completed it’s straight back to the blasphemous blasting. Each song is played at a mach ten pace and I don’t believe that the word “slow” is in Nasty Surgeons vocabulary. What you get through these ten songs is something that is wholly tumultuous and flesh tearing and if you think you can escape the cacophony of sickness you would be wrong.
The more and more you listen the more you get buried under carved cadavers, assorted innards and fetid entrails and after a listen or so you may feel as though you need to bathe. Grit and grime seeps through your speakers as soon as you press play and more than that you get pelted by buzzing riffs, rib cracking drumming, rumbling bass lines and vocals that are purely savage and blood thirsty. Each song is a sickening display of brutality and Nasty Surgeons doesn’t quit until everything around them has been shredded to bits.
Exhumation Requiem is one bulldozing track after another that tries its hardest to bury you six feet or less under the cold, dark earth. Each song is just as sickening and twisted as the last and you just can’t seem to help but to revel in all of it. This record is well executed and has a nasty production sound to it as well to create an overall disgusting and headbanging sound. Not only that, but this is a pretty easy record to get into and sink your teeth into and you can listen to this over and over again with ease.
Overall, Exhumation Requiem is a solid debut album that provides you with enough filth to last you a while and enough headbanging metal to keep you going until your head rolls off of your shoulders. At the end of the day, this is a good grind infused death metal record that is sure to please the ears of death metal and grind fans alike.
Spanish death metal is not a rarity, but we’re not here looking for rarities – we’re here looking for #OldSchoolDeathMetalRevival2017. And, once again, it seems we’ve found it. Nasty Surgeons has picked a band name that, despite being grammatically correct, somehow reveals the band’s non-Anglo Saxon origins. They feature members of retro-death band Mass Burial, and the more melodic death metal act Mistweaver. With Nasty Surgeons and Exhumation Requiem, though, the game is death/grind of the gory variety. Don’t worry (or get your hopes up), though. There will be no singing inwards, strange drum machines or hilarious idiocy here. It’s death/grind, not goregrind, and any humor is consigned to the lyrics.
First let it be said that this is not overly “old school” as far as the production goes. In that department, this is rather crisp. Not in an exaggerated way, and there is no over the top dynamics processing trying to inject artificial brutality into the music, but mixing and mastering is clearly competent and modern. There are ever so small flaws that serve to make the totality more alive, but this is still slick stuff.
Influences mentioned in the press release on the album, as well as on the label Xtreem Music’s webpage, are Carcass, Necrony, Exhumed, The County Medical Examiners and General Surgery. There is certainly some truth to that, but there is also a healthy helping of late 80s/early 90s death metal of the less grinding kind. If we had to summarize the sound in one sentence it would be: like Reek of Putrefaction had a baby with Clandestine, but there are suspicions of a mailman being involved.
In fact, there is a range of styles here, and these reveal themselves ever clearer the more you listen. With the title track (which starts with a death metal interpretation of Chopin’s Funeral March) and “The Creation of the Monstrosity”, we almost go full melodic death metal. Only periodical blastbeats and more atonal sections reconnect with the grind concept of the album. Other tracks, like “Human Flesh Is Also Food”, keep it simpler and more straight-forward, but you always get something extra on the side with your grind/death on this album. For us, this is not a problem. In fact, this style of death metal suits us very well.
The lyrics are fairly clever, with a heavy dose of black humor evident. In the historically based “The Resurrectionists” we follow grave robbers and murderers Burke and Hare until one of them ends up as a book cover, and in “Nasty Surgeons” we are treated to a Tales from the Crypt comics style narrative about a man trying to find a new liver to survive. There’s more where that came from in the beautiful booklet. And oh, the logo rocks.
On Exhumation Requiem Nasty Surgeons deliver classy, classic death metal, which isn’t quite as purely grind/gore/death as the band name and cover imply. But still pretty damn fine.
Nasty Surgeons are a band from Spain that plays a mixture of death metal and grindcore and this is a review of their 2017 album "Exhumanation Requiem" which was released by Xtreem Music.
Horror movie style synths start off the album and a minute later the music goes into a heavier direction along with t he vocals bringing in a mixture of death metal growls and high pitched screams and the music is very heavily rooted in the 90's and when the music speeds up a great amount of blast beats can be heard.
Throughout the recording you can hear a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts while t he solos and leads gives the songs more of a dark and melodic edge and spoken word and horror movie samples are also used at times and you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording and the faster sections of the songs bring in a great amount of grindcore influences and one track also brings in a brief use of clean playing.
Nasty Surgeons plays a musical style that takes old school death metal and 90's era gore/grind and mixes them together to create a very heavy recording, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover gore and horror themes.
In my opinion Nasty Surgeons are a very great sounding mixture of death metal and grindcore and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band.
Taková obyčejná hádka, kterých už zažili mnoho. Jenže ona už nemohla dál. Nešlo to. A tak vzala velký kuchyňský nůž, kterým jinak krájeli chleba a se vší nashromážděnou nenávistí mu ho zabodla hluboko do břicha. Plakala, když ji umíral v náručí. Otřela ostří do utěrky a šla se dívat na svůj oblíbený televizní seriál. Stejně jako každý den.
Nakonec z téhle dvojice zbyla jen jedna věta v černé kronice. Jinak nic, jen zápach zahnívajícího těla, se kterým dívka ještě několik měsíců žila. Další, podobný příběh plný zla byl zhudebněn také na novince - prvotině španělských death grinderů NASTY SURGEONS. Ti čerpali inspiraci u starých dobrých EXHUMED, CARCASS, NECRONY, THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, GENERAL SURGERY. A nutno rovnou napsat, že jsou více než jen dobrými žáky. Album "Exhumation Requiem" se stalo na dlouhou dobu mým krvavým pokrmem a užíval jsem si jej jako málokterou krmi.
Na "Exhumation Requiem" se mi vlastně líbí úplně vše. Od obalu (Juanjo Castellano), přes špinavý a přesto čitelný zvuk, až po schopnost složit dobře zapamatovatelné temné songy plná zla. Španělé si sice nesnaží styl zvaný death/grind někam posouvat, ale řemeslo zvládají více než dobře. A navíc! Deska se neskutečně "příjemně" poslouchá. Je v ní obsaženo velké množství emocí, které jsou na posluchače přenášeny jako nějaká smrtelná choroba. Nezbývá, než si jít otevřít svůj oblíbený hrob, exhumovat staré prašivé kosti a spolu s nimi se roztančit na rakvích plných zetlelých vzpomínek. NASTY SURGEONS se jejich první deska opravdu povedla.Jen si dejte pozor, až budete brát v kuchyni do ruky nůž. Tohle album je totiž neskutečně návykové.
Death grindová mašina NASTY SURGEONS se toho rozhodně nebojí. Jejich kombinace krutosti, špíny, hnusu a hudební nenávisti se povedla. "Exhumation Requiem" je albem, vhodným pro všechny extrémní hudební maniaky. Je silné, nepostrádá dobré nápady a obsahuje v sobě pořádně studené kousky tmy. Dávám si ho rád do uší ve chvílích, kdy potřebuji pořádně pročistit hlavu. Nápadů mají NASTY SURGEONS na rozdávání a zdá se, že ve Španělsku se zrodila další z kapel, které to umí pořádně rozjet. Kombinace old school death metalu a grindových postupů musí dělat dobře snad každému, kdo má rád reálnou, morbidní hudbu. NASTY SURGEONS jsou pro mě velmi příjemným krvavým překvapením. Doporučil bych ji všem, kdo rádi skáčou z pódia, tráví dlouhý čas v mosh-pitech a obdivují metal, který se hraje hezky od podlahy. Tohle death grindové album vám nakope zadky opravdu pořádně. Skvělá krutá práce!
Asphyx says:
NASTY SURGEONS recorded a putrescent piece of flesh which should be in every collection of the real death/grind fan. This album has a special place in my collection and I enjoy the purid smell. Solid guitar departures, killing drums and all around is the smell of charnel house. Honestly, does a fan of a death need anything else? Open the graves, exhume corpses and listen the words of the hell. I feel like someone is trying to hide me alive. It should have a sign on the cover that says “may cause mental damage”. Welcome to the worst dissection ever. The death grind maniacs is here and full of strength and it showed us how the best massacre is done. Great, very acute and pressurized album.
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